
Stars and sunsets do converge,

But for my life’s woes and myself you diverge.

What is to be said to such a universe

Over which your control is so diverse.


The pen is moving, but I doubt I’m writing.

Is this my life’s real painting?

Where I’m just holding ,

My life for your decision in making.

employee relation things

As stated before, I am apolitical. I am just but a very disillusioned taxpaying part of the populace of our beloved nation.

Close the roads ‘mheshimiwa’ is coming through, this while there is no money for remunerating the doctors, teachers, nurses etc. But there is monies allocated for eight months pay for MPs and county representatives, who will not be in office over this period, since the people will have already terminated their employ.

If only the youth who are out there ‘tarmacking’, were paid for the time over which they have been jobless, and yet are out there seeking gainful employment. That might have tilted the scales in the direction of the electorate, albeit not giving total favour, but providing a fair enough fighting chance.


If only politics as a career were to be scratched, what would some of these politicians really do for a living? And would their so chosen careers justify the hefty pay packages among other privileges that they enjoy as part of their current day to day engagements? The jury is quite possibly still out on that one.

From a different perspective, others might wonder here, what it is that makes a ‘mheshimiwa’s’ time more valuable than others’. Surgeons on call get stuck in traffic, people wake up hours earlier to make it to their destinations, so as to earn a taxable coin to pay these ‘waheshimiwa’. While they sleep in only to come and cut-in in traffic, drive on the wrong side of the road against oncoming traffic, overlap etc. This in retrospect only serves to irk the other road users. Since it gives the perception George Orwell more than perfectly captured in the statement, ‘all animals are equal but some are more equal than others’.

The citizenry are the employers here, but only get to flex their muscles once every five years. As the employer take it upon yourself to conduct the interviews right so as to get an employee you can comfortably accommodate for a five year period. But this seems like a notion that the people most affected by all this seem to find farfetched.

A very agreeable point might be put forward, that not all those in leadership positions have their selfish interests at heart, and that, it’s a case of one rotten apple spoiling the barrel.

But every time there’s a new parliament, they always, almost to a man, decide that the team before them was underpaid. Yet when last was there a motion, for salary increments for the police force, or other such people who lack industrial action as a recourse?

one of those days

Infidelity can be said to be a crime of opportunity. But truth be told, if it occurs in the course of one’s life and one does not see the need to reveal it, then it is neither a crime of opportunity nor revenge as that would make it personal. It is a crime of genealogy.

Some people are predisposed to be unfaithful, that doesn’t necessarily make them bad people, just ‘compromised goods’ (hence the presence of perennial serial “cheating’ partners). The judgement we hold on those we hold dear, though, is a reflection of ourselves because we mostly hold ourselves to the same standards that we hold those we compare ourselves to.

Self-righteousness is an evil we each have a bit of, the concentration of which is, what others define us by. It gives birth to arrogance, haughtiness, self-entitlement, and overall sense of over bearing. So, why do people cheat, for men; it is their physical stature as a creature, for women; sheer need of self importance or approval.

To elaborate, women find comfort in knowing that they’re still adored, that someone else is capable and willing to care for them (read adoration), in my opinion that reads as VANITY. For men; hunting, conquering and vengeance if slighted. In my opinion, that sounds like; guess again, yes, VANITY.

So, if VANITY = VANITY, then the plot is basically the same through and through. Then that begs the question; Why do men and women react and/or understand being cheated on so differently?

Methinks that the underlying factor is what Kenyans are currently referring to as ‘the tyranny of numbers’!

More women start from the revenge perspective when they think about it, but eventually end up with the person they’ve been cheating emotionally with. Most of the men start it off with physical attraction and end up with the girl, you continually considered for years might be his mortal enemy.

This doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone But we all know that the guy rarely if ever, ends up with the prettiest girl in this mural and neither Is the girl with the handsomest dude next door. Infact the ideal situation is almost always never the final picture in these situations.

This is said and done, much as both sexes have varied excuses: with the girls having(ful emotions included); you were never around or you’re always busy/ at the office, the guy will be less obvious  (they may actually be ill-equipped to handle multiple affections, what with one track minds and all) and blae it on the availability of the assailant in question.

Much as I do not believe that I am in a position to offer a way out of this quagmire. I felt that maybe the contribution of my two cents worth to this here debate, was warranted, and as is may not be too off the mark.

The Day

one wakes up groggy and still drowsy
peeking at the world slyly, as if things might go awry
a yawn unfettered, then it dawns on me
take a peek and see, what the day might be.

A good day tis said, is seen in its wake
this dawn in its uptake
signals a lovely day; of which i will partake
in the sun’s rays i bathe
as i stare at nothing;wondering, what it is in my day i await

Mine for the taking,
is what I  think a day like this, is from me begging
on my face, the smile getting broader,with every breath am taking
no hassling, no angling
no hustling, no haggling
all the pieces in place kindly falling
am most certainly dreaming

its noon now, the sun is high
the close of day certainly drawing nigh
this isnt a dream: and with that i sigh
then news to me comes, that puts a gleam in my eye

It was said they will be smitten
those who make the playing ground uneven,
like a wound festering. The heathen,
depending unto whom their loyalties are given
I feel gifted
my spirits in these dull and dark time uplifted.

Just a random thought

as thunders cause us wonders
unclear as if its a blunder
life causes confusion, but mostly its a matter of varied fusion
delusions, allusions
Hence and thus life’s institutions
combined cause confusion

a situation in which one finds self
a situation which one cant shelf
well, unless one discovers an elf
and a pot of gold one might get

in hot weather there’s stress and cold weather will depress
so is this life’s mix
trying to find a balance in between

white makes lighter
of both moods and colour
black made lighter
becomes grey in colour
but alas!!!

the line stays and keeps clear where the black meets the white
on the sign that is, the yin and the yang


A road too often crossed

Sitting on the street corner looking onto the street, furrowed forehead and eyes squinting,Kimondo seems to be a man deep in thought. a look at him from afar would convince one that the man in his sights has seen better days and more lenient times. Kimondo is the fruit seller  with whom I interact quite often as his wares are for the major part fresh and succulent.

Approaching Kimondo I can see that he has a smile on his face albeit he does not quite look happy. A peek into his mind reveals what is going through it.He is a troubled man,his children have been in school,thanks to the benovelence of the constitution and the people whose taxes fund it.They have been beneficiaries of the free schooling program that the nation provides for its citizens.Lately though they have not been learning much as the teachers,who are paid from the same kitty, have been on strike seeking better pay.His worries stem from the thought that he has to consider a private school sort of arrangement from his already stretched yet meagre income.This thought is occasioned by the thought provoking statement that cheap is expensive.

You see When the schooling is footed by the government alot more children go to school and on the face of it,that’s a good thing. But looked at intrinsically,if the demand for a certain product increases yet the resources required to deliver this are not increased then an issue of compromised quality arises. That’s what’s tormenting kimondo;the children are going to school but the classes are so full and the teachers overwhelmed by the sheer numbers.THerefore the children are  not really getting much of an education since the teachers,teaching materials and other such resources are spread thin as they are not enough to go around.This has caused the mushrooming of small informal private schools.These ‘schools’ are in people’s private homes, where the teacher(s) carry out their tasks of executing the curriculum.This is kimondo’s headache.These ‘schools’ are not only expensive but the qualification of the ‘teachers’ is also in question.

I leave Kimondo to his woes and proceed on my way having had an epiphany.Looking on at the sunset and I can’t help thinking that the maxim,the more things change the more they remain the same,is quite true.


To be associated with a day like today, oh how against it I would pray. How can it be that of all the seven days of the week,the most internationally averse and derided is Monday? And a blue Monday at that.

Though when the moods are dampened their owners also believe they are feeling blue. One can only dare imagine how it would be like to feel blue on a blue Monday. Or maybe just maybe that is what they refer to as Monday blues? Maybe because they come in plural?

One may even present a case that it is Monday that is more of the issue than blue. But then again Monday has the upper hand here,as is obvious,Monday gets a reprieve after every six days and hence has a renewed chance to prove itself. On the other hand blue is,well, just blue.

It may be argued that monday is more disappointing because having been given a chance every six days since time immemorial,it should have warmed its way into the worlds heart. But then in the middle ages blue was only worn by the dirt poor of people.

It is practically impossible to  paint a picture using Monday for a colour. But more strenuous still to determine which is less depressing between blue and Monday,but one thing is for sure, they make a worse combination than each left to its own devices.